QA Skills Matrix_

This Skills Matrix is aimed at helping assess manual QA engineer skills in a common, unambiguous way. Each successive seniority level includes the skills from the previous levels. The matrix does not include soft skills. Test automation skills are covered on a separate page.

01Test Planning_

  • Has basic theoretical knowledge of what estimation and prioritization are: able to estimate simple tasks and explain them
  • Requests task priorities from N+1
  • Knows types of test documents and their purpose
  • Escalates in case of blockers or wrong estimations
  • Has practical testing experience and understanding of the testing process
  • Can read and understand the current test plan (their own activities and the current approach) with some guidelines
  • Able to estimate non-complex tasks with an acceptable level of precision (in hours, story points, etc.)
  • Has an understanding of task prioritization and decomposition
  • Clearly understands the difference between severity and priority
  • Can read and understand Test Strategy and Test Plan
  • Can actualize or contribute to an existing Test Plan
  • Provides estimation for tasks of medium complexity level
  • Able to identify major risks and report them to a person responsible for risk management
  • Able to make decomposition and estimation of complicated tasks
  • Autonomously prioritizes and estimates tasks of high complexity
  • Able to do high-level estimation for projects and knows different approaches
  • Can create test documentation (Test Plan, Test Strategy) using best practices
  • Able to identify and describe risks, and provide a mitigation plan
  • Knows and uses different estimation approaches (expert, work breakdown, weighted, 3-point)
  • Can independently create from scratch Test Plan, Test Cases, Test Suite, CheckList, Test Report, etc.
  • Has experience in planning and estimating a complete set of testing activities on 3+ projects
  • Can prioritize testing tasks for the project and convince the customer
  • Can identify quality risks and provide a plan to mitigate them, and has real-life risk-based testing experience on 2+ projects
  • Knows what ROI is and has calculated it 2+ times
  • Knows formal models of process improvement and is able to apply them (like TMMi, TPI, and ASPICE)
  • Created at least 5+ test plans/test strategies, agreed with the customer, and used them in testing
  • Able to explain and sell the benefits of the selected testing approach to stakeholders

02Test Design_

  • Knows the structure of Test Cases and their difference from Checklists
  • Knows the main Test Design Techniques (Equivalence Partitioning (EP), Boundary Value (BV), Decision Table (DT), State-Transition (ST)) - knows 1 or 2
  • Can create Test Cases and Checklists with help and directions from senior colleagues on positive and some negative scenarios
  • Knows the differences between:
    • Test levels: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Release Testing, Acceptance Testing
    • Test types: Functional and Non-functional
  • Understands the most commonly used test design techniques (EP, BV, DT, ST) and uses common test-design approaches when choosing test data
  • Can do test design of readable test cases on positive and negative scenarios
  • Knows how to investigate the issue and can provide examples of:
    • Test levels: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Release Testing, Acceptance Testing
    • Test types: Functional and Non-functional
  • Able to identify and balance test coverage
  • Understands the concept of test levels and test types
  • Able to identify which Test Cases are more reasonable to put at each test level
  • Can do test design on positive and all negative scenarios
  • Knows the IEEE standard for test design (29119 p4)
  • Uses the most common test design techniques (EP, BV, DT, ST)
  • Can define test data
  • Able to approach non-functional aspects of the product by suggesting NFT approaches
  • Can review test cases/checklists of colleagues and mentor/consult them, has relevant experience
  • Able to perform test design based on given requirements, or according to common sense and experience if exact requirements are not provided
  • Optimizes the amount of test data required for Test Case execution
  • Involves a risk-based approach in test design
  • As a plus, has a preferred approach to test analysis
  • Identifies which test design technique could be used in a specific case, based on experience and risks
  • Supervises colleagues on different test design techniques and optimal approaches
  • As a plus, has their own approach to test analysis and test design which is proven in 3+ projects

03Test Reporting_

  • Has basic theoretical knowledge of test reporting.
  • Can report their own activities for the day, week, and sprint (tests created, tests executed, bugs created, other activities).
  • Understands 1st level metrics (number): # of defects, # of TCs passed/failed, # of defects by their criticality, etc.
  • Can explain what Test Coverage, Test Effort, Defect Distribution, Test Execution, Requirements, and Requirement Coverage are, etc.
  • Able to supply a report based on a given template
  • Able to provide a clear structural status for testing activities under their own responsibility.
  • Able to read a report and understand the current product quality.
  • Understands 1st and 2nd level metrics (relative): pass/fail rate per module/feature, defect leakage rate (e.g., found on PROD/total found * 100%), etc.
  • Creates different diagrams to illustrate the quality of testing using metrics.
  • Provides a clear high and low-level structural overview of the testing status for the project.
  • Able to differentiate the details of reports depending on the level of the target audience.
  • Reports product quality.
  • Provides certain, precise, narrative, and easy-to-understand information in reports.
  • Regularly collects metrics in daily work, analyzes existing ones for improvements, and implements them for practical usage.
  • Understands 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level metrics (distribution): defect leakage dynamics over iterations, dependency between the number of defects and the number of changes over iterations, etc.
  • Collects information for metrics from different sources.
  • Able to define reporting standards and templates applicable for different deliveries, and supervise others on the subject.
  • Has their own approach and style to report/present the quality, proven with good feedback in 3+ projects.
  • Highlights the key things and gives a quick understanding of the essence of the information.
  • Assures that reports highlight only valuable information.
  • Can apply 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level metrics to the current project, and understands well how to collect and use them.
  • Identifies gaps in the reporting process and provides approaches based on test metrics for improving the QA process and quality of the tested application/product.
  • Has practical experience of metrics alignment with stakeholders, and implementation in 3+ projects.


  • Has basic theoretical knowledge of SDLC and the concept of environments
  • Has theoretical knowledge of Traditional and Agile SDLCs, and practical experience (with at least one)
  • Knows the stages of the SDLC and can describe the activities for each stage with examples from practice
  • Understands what the build and deployment process is
  • Can describe the advantages and disadvantages of different SDLC models
  • Able to describe each stage of a project-specific SDLC in detail
  • Knows which environments are used for what
  • Understands principles of environment and configuration management
  • Knows common test activities and artifacts for each SDLC stage
  • Can set up build/deploy/test environments and test tools
  • Has strong knowledge of various SDLCs (knows the pros and cons of each, benefits, challenges), and has wide practical experience
  • Has knowledge about the environment lifecycle, from creation to shutdown
  • Able to use CI/CD tools, configure them, and set up new flows
  • Manages test infrastructure, holds responsibility for the full testing lifecycle
  • Identifies gaps in the process, and proposes new approaches to increase speed/quality or reduce resource utilization
  • Can introduce methodology practices
  • Participates in SDLC selection for the project, can revise processes and suggest effective ideas for improvements, and works in continuous improvement mode
  • Able to adjust the QA process to the current specific SDLC, including project-specific options
  • Can set up the QA process starting from static testing and ending with test closure activities
  • As a plus, experience and skills are enough to set up agile/scrum project processes and ceremonies from scratch

05Issue Investigation_

  • Has theoretical knowledge of the structure of a bug and its life cycle
  • Able to create a bug report (fill in all required fields), read it, and reproduce the issue in the tracking system
  • Knows the difference between verification and validation
  • Able to create a structured bug report with all required information
  • Understands the difference between severity and priority
  • Can perform defects localization
  • Uses available tools to investigate the issue (logs, DBs, console, and DevTools)
  • Understands software structure and is able to assume root cause reasons
  • Able to identify reasonable priority/severity
  • Able to create a structured bug report (additionally provides bug meta-information: links, tags, builds, modules, children, parents, and details like logs, screenshots, used test data, etc.)
  • Can investigate the issue and localize a bug without supervision
  • Knows tools to assist with root cause analysis
  • Able to analyze the impact of priority/severity
  • Can localize defects in integrated systems
  • Understands software structure and can investigate the root cause
  • Cooperates with the development team for analysis, follows up on issue fixing progress
  • Can read poorly described bug reports and reproduce the issue
  • Performs systematization of defects at the end of an iteration
  • Does deep level investigation for the root cause; defines and mitigates potential weak areas ahead, etc.
  • Participates in business issues investigation. Provides full information about the bug location, including code references and related issues from the past
  • Able to perform localization in an unknown environment by collecting needed information
  • Has a deep understanding of systems logic and defect localization principles
  • Performs systematization of defects at the end of an iteration to contribute to lessons learned

06Work with requirements_

  • Has basic theoretical knowledge of what a requirement is and its characteristics. Able to read and understand project requirements.
  • Has experience in requirements testing.
  • Can analyze major aspects of a requirement, such as unambiguity, logic, testability, actuality, potential test cases, and integrations. Can analyze different types of requirements: user stories, UML diagrams, flow charts, SRS, and FRS.
  • Knows the main criteria for requirements defined by IEEE and can match requirements to IEEE criteria.
  • Provides requirements and specification review and analysis.
  • Establishes traceability between requirements and other project artifacts (bugs, TCs, code commits, release notes, etc.)
  • Able to analyze dependencies and risks, provide their own vision on weak points, and propose improvements.
  • Able to write less formal requirements (e.g., use cases).
  • Able to work with project-level requirements.
  • Able to work with low-quality requirements.
  • Provides high-quality requirements and specification review and analysis.

07Work with data_

  • Has basic theoretical knowledge of what DBs are. Knows the most common databases.
  • Understands the data testing process. Has experience with MS Excel and knows the main commands.
  • Understands different data types and is able to define appropriate test ranges under supervision.
  • Understands and can analyze a simple data set.
  • Can perform simple select queries on a DB.
  • Knows common file types such as txt, xlsx, and csv.
  • Able to manipulate data with basic tooling functions for analysis.
  • Able to define clear and optimal data sets and scenarios for data quality testing.
  • Can analyze and test data flow, transformation, and loading processes (ETL).
  • Familiar with at least one database management system.
  • Familiar with Excel pivot tables and charts.
  • Performs the analysis of large, complex data sets in short timeframes using optimal approaches and provides valuable results.
  • Able to analyze the data workflow and find bottlenecks.
  • Understands the impact of data structure usage to identify the algorithmic complexity of processing and common defects that appear because of it.
  • Able to generate information using specific data structures as a target, choosing optimal ways to process and save the data.
  • Able to analyze the data workflow and find bottlenecks and provide their own vision on how to improve it.
  • Understands the internal architecture of the database and how its engine works.
  • Able to generate information using specific data structures as a target, choosing optimal ways to process and save the data.

08Tech skills_

  • Optional as a plus: knows basic information about Webservices, Web technologies, client-server architecture (how back end works with front end and vice versa), OS, UNIX, SQL, API, REST, Web
  • Basic understanding of how software is created and how it works
  • Knows how to use project-specific tools in order to execute test activities (any single tech: OS, UNIX, SQL, API, REST, Web)
  • MS Office or Google Docs or command line, etc.
  • Knows how to work with any developer tools console
  • If applicable - SQL: CRUD
  • Experienced-based:
  • Able to explain technology, when it can and should be used/tested, how it works (OS, UNIX, SQL, API, REST, Web)
  • Knows how to use test-related tools (Task-management, Test Case Management, Defect Management tools)
  • Has a knowledge of domain-specific technologies (FE and/or BE), protocols, logging, DBs, build tools, version-control tools
  • Understands types of software (client-server, desktop, web, console, etc.)
  • Basic understanding of how OS works (programs, services, files, access)
  • Able to solve tasks using any Dev tools console
  • If applicable - SQL: can create SELECT queries, knows JOINs and UNIONs
  • Proficient with test-related flows, including custom flow creation, permissions assignment. Replication of a real lifecycle on test-related tools (Task-management, Test Case Management, Defect Management tools)
  • Has advanced knowledge of BE/FE surroundings (APIs, SPAs, Logging, DBs, OS, SCM, common architectural approaches)
  • Has basic programming skills in any language (Basic knowledge of OOP, at least able to read code)
  • If applicable - has good knowledge of working with REST Clients like Postman, Fiddler
  • If applicable - knowledge of SQL queries (nested queries, SQL functions, etc.)
  • If applicable - knows performance and security testing tools
  • Has architectural knowledge, aware of algorithms, tools, conventions developers use
  • Has basic knowledge about Dev framework structure, where components are stored, integration approaches
  • Proficient with DBs, Logging, network protocols
  • Knows and uses different tools to work with technology. Knows alternatives and can compare/evaluate
  • Defines testing tools for projects and the level of testing depth